shigino conference

Because of no confidence in myself, becaues of no words found,

I couldn't tell anything on Friday night.

I couldn't imagine myself in future, even five years later.

Well, this is beacause I haven't faced to myself honestly and


I want to hear from my heart what I really want to do in five

years or so. I think he had considered for long long time.

And that made him what he is now.

I was so embarrassed myself that I couldn't answered any of

his question.

I was so embarrassed myself that I had been self-indulgent

for anything.

I was so embarrassed myself that I had been timid to try and

think something creative.

I was so embarrassed myself that I was influenced by my

circumstances while I haven't aware of it.

But even if you hate yourself and desperate yourself, it doesn't

mean anything.

It brings you nothing when you just "think about something" ,

it brings you when you "do something".

"What I really want to do?" without others.

It is easier to write or to say than to do.